Logo Design • Logo Animation
• Promo Video • Social Media Animations • WIX Web Design
DIY Diggle Dawn provides a range D.I.Y services. Her commitment to providing excellent skilled work (alongside the unique selling point of being female in this sector) provided an
opportunity to play with conventions and stereotypes.
By using the traditional 1950's housewife stereo type, then turning it on its head by adding tools and overalls, added a sense of lightness and humour. This helped to establish a brand identity that is memorable.
Animated Logo
Using themed sound effects really boosted the energy of this logo, adding a sense of fun and efficiency.
Consistent use of logo in social media updates helped to reinforce the brand's identity.

Social Media Animated Post
This post was created to drive interest and boost business. The use of music and movement helps to cut through scrolling behaviours highlighting the message to get in touch.

Promo Video
With the use of some before and after pictures, a short showreel promo video of services was created. The use of themed graphics and the brand colour palette helped to reinforce the brand whilst showcasing Dawn's skills.

Work in progress. The aim is to create a clean, easy to navigate website that contains all the information that a target customer requires. Providing a shop window to showcase Dawn's skills and services whilst cementing her brand identity.